Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Critiques of libertarianism

In Geography 464 and 564, we read a few pieces coming from a libertarian perspective. For those looking for critiques of libertarianism, here's a treasure trove.

Blue Marble 2012

Nice HD - Blue Marble 2012.

Monday, January 23, 2012

"Water revolution looming"?

A new semester has begun, and it's time to revive the blog.

Here's a Journal-Sentinel article about a relatively new book on water scarcity. Not the gloom and doom you might expect, but I'm not sure I'll be able to drink Evian again, thanks to the author's colorful description. Let me know if you've read it.

Meanwhile, here's one author's take on how to deal with looming water scarcity in cities: increase land use density. (Some nice colorful maps too!)